I’ve said it before. I’m not a runner. Except, I guess now I am? What can I say. COVID kind of made me do it. The idea of walking out of our front door with so many options to explore at my disposal proved too enticing to pass up.
There were several options from which to choose. I went with the Newark to Trenton 48, a 48 mile challenge over the course of 2 months. Collectively a lot but when broken down over the course of 2 months, totally doable. And I liked that the challenge is a nod to my current state.
My mileage training for the half marathon helped me to make my way through it fairly quickly. Though it was a smaller crew running it, I still found myself further down based on my time. I wasn’t really going hard on that, with some of my mileage being from family walks that are so slow my Apple Watch won’t give me exercise credit. It was more about working towards that overall goal and continuing my progress towards my eventual half marathon — and for that I am totally proud!

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